Sunday, February 16, 2014

Thing 3: Utilities

For this Mobile Thing, I chose to download Google Search on both my phone and iPad.  I really like this app as many Google products that I use are on one screen.  I prefer Google search over Safari, so I replaced the Safari icon on the bottom tab of my phone with the Google icon.  I couldn't get my iPad to move Safari off of the bottom tab--not sure why?

I like that I can easily access my Drive, Maps, and this blog from the one screen.  I also tried out Google Goggles and voice search.  Although Goggles is cool (it could recognize various products around my house), I'm not sure when I would have the need for it, but I can see using the voice search while driving, or any time speaking is possible.  I have just recently been using voice to send text messages; it's something that I sometimes forget about.

Another great feature of this app is the "cards" function which displays different pieces of information that may be helpful.  On my screen right now, I have an alert about the Winter Storm Warning for tonight, the weather forecast for the week, nearby restaurants and events.  I could turn on "Web History" so Google can see what I've been searching, but I chose not to.  Though, I did give Google access to my location.  Part of me worries that I'm giving away too much of my privacy to Google, another part figures Google already knows so much, what's one more thing?

I'm glad I discovered this app for my personal use.  As for how this app might be helpful in a school setting, I could see that in a 1:1 iPad school, it would be helpful to have all of these features easily accessible for students on one screen.

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