So, I have been doing lots of thinking since Saturday.....and after struggling quite a bit with my topic and methodology, and reconsidering other interests, I've decided I'd like to change gears. It's something that I discourage my own students from doing, but I feel good about the change and it's still early in the process.
New topic:
1. Establish purpose: As a classroom teacher who hasn't collaborated much with media specialists over the years and as a media specialist-in-training who wants to collaborate with teachers, I am interested in finding out why teachers do or don't collaborate with media specialists in lesson planning, teaching and assessing.
I plan to survey teachers in my own building as well as my media specialist. I am also interested in whether K-12 teacher preparation programs discuss this type of collaboration. I have contacted a professor in teacher education at Augsburg and she has agreed to let me survey her students as well.
2. Methodological location: Like most qualitative research projects, my project will be inductive, meaning I will be looking at particular instances and trying to make a generalization of some sort.
3. Scoping: I will survey and/or interview teachers in my own building: those who frequently, sometimes, and never work with our media specialist to create lessons; and I will interview my media specialist about strategies she has used to increase collaboration. I will also survey new teachers in a teacher ed program about their perceptions of media specialists and their experience learning about or being encouraged to collaborate with a media specialist in their teacher education program.
4: Nature of Data: Survey results and/or interview transcripts
5: Thinking Ahead: I believe this study should help shed light on factors that influence teacher-librarian partnerships, starting from teacher education on to the real world of everyday lesson planning.
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