Monday, May 19, 2014

Thing 14: Videos

I am pretty shocked to read that over 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute onto You Tube!  I have a couple of book trailers posted out there, and I certainly use You Tube videos in my own teaching.  As a school librarian, I can think of a lot of uses for publishing video to promote library programs and showcase student work.  For this Thing, I downloaded the popular Vine.  With Vine, you can create short, looping videos to share.  I have seen some videos that used Vine and they are fun to watch.

When I downloaded Vine to my iPhone, I spent some time watching the featured videos.  Some people are really talented and some people are just plain weird!  It's kind of funny that there are different channels.  I tried to make my own video, but got stuck when the program wanted access to my microphone.  I don't know if it is a bug in the program, or if my phone is (already) outdated, but the screen froze at this point, and I couldn't get it unstuck.  I guess I could have explored it further, but this was a big frustration for me.  Honestly, I know students are using Vine quite a bit, and I can think of ways I might incorporate it into a lesson, but I think there are more sophisticated programs that might be more beneficial.

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